Sunday, February 27, 2011


Would you like, or make use, of the option to annoucne your family events in SL (marriage, birth) in a "newspaper", which is then a blog, like "Mama Allpa Times" ?

Newspaper (blog) where one can announce family events
Yes, i would like to have my events published there
I would like to read such a blog
I can imagine to be a (non paid) reporter for such
No, leave me alone free polls

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Get along with some points

So, i am back to being Ma'am. At the same time, some people have noticed also the change in my display name. And on top of this all, a RPer who calls himself dominant, abused his OOC powers to let the world know about his lack of RPing along facts, which he has put of course in a different light.

So, let me clear up a few things in OOC, that uncertainty does not increase more than needed:

  • I am collared and partnered to the same person. That is a private matter and not in any way carrying over to the Dark Den/PRG. The fact that i am collared, will not mirror in my actions as "Ma'am". Do not expect that.
  • I roleplay only for one reason. And that is, to enjoy the time i am RPing. For this, RP needs to be at least a bit authentic. As much as we can not simply TP out of prisons, or read minds, we also have to recognize facts that are given in a certain RP-environment. As example: when i am in Gor, i do not appear there in an easter-bunny costume. 
  • I roleplay being the dictator, leader of a regime, in a corrupt country. Legal rights do not really exist and my word is the law. If you think that unrealistic, try in RL to go to a similar country and debate with their leaders. Good luck with that.
  • If you then think you can at the PRG constantly call me belittling or ridiculing names, in public, bear with the consequences. And, if i give you around 3 chances to give in and correct your behavior, and you rather prefer to commit suicide then, be it. Just because you call yourself a dominant, or even just because you are a man, does not mean i will bow to you. 
  • Dominant men are welcome. I will not emasculate them or neuter them or whatever - as long as they leave me alone. If you want to "molest" me, do it in a convincing way. I am not a weak person that squirms and blushes and falls to her knees only because you call me names. That will rather earn you a pineapple in your butt. Best way, really is, to just treat me as an equal, then you have nothing to fear. I never harassed any dominant without reason. But all wannabes who tried to harass me, found it turning out not so well for them ICly.
For more questions, IM me inworld.

Thank you

Friday, February 11, 2011


I have been once with a guy who was also an admirer of Japanese samurai. So i got to read about a samurai called "Musashi". I can only rely on what the book told me, i am not an expert on this field at all. But according to the book, that warrior invented the style of fighting with two swords. And got famous, in his time, for it.
As fame grew, challenges did likewise. And one day he was faced a guy from a run down area of a city, who challenged Musashi for a fight. Musashi turned it down. His friends were shocked. "How can you turn it down? Do you not have to defend your honor?"
Musashi replied "I do not need to defend my honor with such a kind of guy. Because what will be the result if i win this fight, where we all know, that i will most likely win it? Another guy amongst his friends will try to do better. And then the next, and so on. I will be stuck in defending myself to such folks. Does it bring me any advantage? No. On the long run, i will be looked at as one of them. And so, even if i would win each single fight, i would have lost my reputation as honorable Samurai."

Right now, i have to observe a similar situation. Someone close to me tries to show his points of view, and the wrong doing of others. He does not hesitate to argue with them. And they simply do not accept his arguments. They call his reasoning an epic fail, disqualify him as sim manager, call his behavior "driving away".

Quite the attitude, of them. I wish, that would stop. Because those who right now claim themselves to be kind of the saviors of civil rights and freedom of information, who start their blog with a picture of themselves flying across SL like "superwoman", with a fitting claim in that picture...

... exactly those, would certainly want to have a look at this quote from another, well known book:
"Only he who is without sin should cast the first stone"

Nuff said.


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